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Mail order promethazine codeine tablets). In a survey of 661 persons in Germany (1,063 men and 459 women), who had swallowed the tablets by mouth, symptoms of intoxication were present in 70.5 percent of this group, and in 24.5 percent of the group who had given these tablets to their children (p. 1410). A separate survey undertaken in Switzerland, by the Department for Protection of Elderly the Zurich Public Health Authority, has disclosed that a significant proportion of the old folk are given such tablets by the mouth. Among 110 persons, aged from 80 to 85 years. who were examined, 59 percent described having swallowed the tablets by mouth, 26 percent stated that it has been done by other, perhaps more indirect methods, and 7.5 percent said that it had been done by medical doctors. Of these people, 65 percent had taken at least one of the tablets during last five years. A further 16 percent had taken them by means of other in the last five years--an average of two such tablets each year. Among them, 13 percent were taking drugs in a clinical or laboratory condition--that is, in a high dose and for short time. The incidence of symptoms intoxication from promethazine and codeine was very high among those aged 70 years or more (p. 1412). A survey of 714 male residents a large city in New York revealed that 70 percent of them received their first dose of promethazine or codeine, either through the mouth or injection of compound, during a period five years. Of these, 53 percent obtained their second dose by oral route, 26 percent got it by the other way, and 9 percent, in the course of following year, obtained it by this other way (p. 1414). On the other hand, a survey of 1,000 female residents, carried out in New York the same period, showed that average Lorazepam 0.5 mg cost age at which the first dose of codeine was given 21 years, and Generic xanax strengths that the average age at which second was taken 28 (p. 1414). In a French study among 613 persons in a small town the south of France, average age the men and women when first promethazine or codeine was given 33 years (p. 1416). In England a survey of 542 persons, aged from 16 to 65, in a large public hospital revealed that the number of cases observed varied considerably as to type and age, but that among women there was a remarkable preponderance of cases having been given by the injection of drugs. In a survey carried out the United States, among 10,051 male and 18,904 female students at American colleges and universities, of 7,900 persons residing in the surrounding towns and suburbs, it was found that there were 1.9 cases of poisoning from oral promethazine or codeine given annually to each thousand persons, which is the highest number recorded in United States (p. 1414). A survey of the inhabitants village Dixpoole-en-Beaumont in Netherlands revealed that the number of cases poisoning from oral promethazine or codeine is about five times more than that of those from the injected drug. Of 562 inhabitants the two villages, 534--84.5 percent--showed signs immediately and were admitted to hospitals. The prevalence of promethazine poisoning in this district.

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